BCRA Participated ABU General Assembly and Associate Meeting

BCRA Participated ABU General Assembly and Associate Meeting

BCRA Participated ABU General Assembly and Associate Meeting

BCRA Secretariat participated in Asia Pacific Broadcasting Union-ABU General Assembly- ABU and Associate Meeting held on 25th to 30th November 2022 in New Delhi, India. Where, BCRA shared Community Radio activities and contributions towards the community in Bangladesh. Mr. Syed Tarikul Islam, General Secretary, BCRA, Ms. Sumita Rabidas, Program Coordinator, BCRA and Ms. Khadija Akter, Program Officer, BCRA joined the ABU General Assembly.

Published on: Monday, 20 February 2023, 05:57 pm | Last update: Saturday, 9 September 2023, 08:44 am | Total views: 795.